Nose and lips of Akhenaten

Nose and lips of Akhenaten

New Kingdom, Amarna Period, Dynasty 18, reign of Akhenaten, ca. 1353–1336 B.C
Egyptian; from el-Amarna (Akhetaten), inc. el-Hagg Qandil, Great Aten Temple, pit outside southern wall, Petrie/Carter 1891–92
Indurated limestone
H. 3 3/16 in. (8.1 cm), W. 2 1/2 in. (6.3 cm), 2 3/16 in.
 (5.5 cm)
Purchase, Edward S. Harkness Gift, 1926 (26.7.1395)

Found in the dumps south of the Sanctuary of the Great Aten Temple or in the Sanctuary itself, this fragment is attributed to Akhenaten. The inner corner of one eye is visible alongside the nose
Although there is little to distinguish many representations of the king and the queen, particularly relatively early in the Amarna years, the especially long line alongside the nose and lips and the sinuous upper lip support that identification

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