Stele of King Intef II

Stele of King Intef II

First Intermediate Period, Dynasty 11
 reign of Intef II, ca. 2108–2059 B.C
Limestone; H. 17 1/8 in. (43.5 cm), W. 17 7/8 in
 (45.5 cm)
Rogers Fund, 1913

Horus Wah-ankh Intef II was the third king of Dynasty 11, a period when Egypt was not unified under one ruler. The son of a nomarch (governor) of Thebes, Intef II engaged in numerous battles with the rival rulers of Heracleopolis and eventually secured control over southern Egypt, from Abydos to Aswan. This laid the foundation for the reunification of the country under King Mentuhotep II 07.230.2; 26.3.29
This stele was probably one of a number of small stela set up in the courtyard of his tomb at Thebes. The king presents a bowl of beer and a jug of milk to the god Re and goddess Hathor and is shown in the posture of an offering bearer. He is wearing a minutely pleated kilt, heavy broad collar and elaborately curled wig. The figure is well carved in very high raised relief and almost gives the impression of a statue. The text of the stele includes a request to Re for protection during the night and a hymn of praise to Hathor as well as a prayer for mortuary offerings

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