Statuette of Amasis

Statuette of Amasis

Late Period, Dynasty 26, reign of Amasis, ca. 570–526 B.C
?Bronze inlaid with gold; H. 4 1/4 in
(11 cm)
Gift of Edward S. Harkness, 1935

Amasis was not a descendant of the kings of Dynasty 26, but a general of the army who led a revolt against Apries. Despite the fact that Egypt was no longer an imperial power, during his long reign it prospered by foreign trade and careful diplomacy. He continued to employ large numbers of foreign mercenaries, particularly Greeks, in the army and maintained a strong navy that protected the trade routes
This kneeling bronze statue of the king shows him in an offering pose that had been traditional since Dynasty 18 (see also 1995.21)

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